Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Annapolis is a charming, historic city that occupies a small peninsula between Spa and College Creeks on the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay.  Approached from the land side it is bustling and busy with narrow, cobbled streets.  Approached from the sea it is the definition of maritime mayhem. 

We spent a leisurely day motoring up the bay from Solomons, MD to arrive at the Annapolis Town Mooring Field around 1500 hours on a Friday afternoon.  The field was already pretty full, mostly sailboats, but we located one of the few vacant yellow mooring balls reserved for boats over 45 feet in length.   As is our custom, I nudged Let's Dance gently forward as Bill expertly wielded the boat hook to pick up the pennant attached to the mooring ball.  Lucky for us it was at the edge of the field of bobbing boats -- we were within yards of the city docks, the sights of downtown and the Naval Academy campus.  We have arrived!

The weather is superb, and the first job is to loose the Love Me Tender so we can putter into town or around the bays and creeks that line her perimeter.  Also, of course, there is food to be considered, and after a few minutes of research we decide on Middleton's for dinner.  Scallops and stuffed flounder do not disappoint and the imaginary foodie bar we erected the week before continues to rise.

After dinner we return to the boat to watch the show!  From our floating vantage point we can monitor the parade of commercial boats that come and go --- ferries, water taxis, sailing charters and even a pirate ship full of miniature sailors and wenches.  But the real treat is the blatant ego-tripping of power boaters who rev their motors as they maneuver the narrow passage between the mooring field and the town docks.  It is called "Ego Alley" by the locals, and is reminiscent of teens in the 50's strutting their stuff on the local drag.

Saturday morning we decide to tour the Naval Academy -- after all, we are mariners, too.  Maybe we can get some tips!  We dinghy ashore and walk to the Visitor's Gate, pass the ID test, clear security and go inside.  They have a nice movie and, for the low senior's rate of $9 per person, we are signed up to tour the campus with Drew as our guide -- oddly, he's an ex-Army grad.

It is immediately evident that the USNA and Let's Dance have a lot in common -- for example, they love goats, we (well, just me actually) love goats.

There are many variations on the story of how the Navy got a goat for a mascot, but my favorite is that early sailors kept goats on board to eat the garbage and to provide fresh milk and butter.  Early multi-taskers.  Also, the Navy named their goat "Bill" -- how is that for coincidental?  We both keep a Billy on board.

As we tour the campus we are struck by the similarities between the life of a midshipman and our nautical personae.  They study seamanship, we study seamanship. They sleep in berths, we sleep in berths.  They wear snappy uniforms, we wear....well.  

They honor John Paul Jones, hero of the American Revolution, as the Father of the Navy, we humbly agree.  And, wow, what a tomb they designed for the old guy!

Most significantly, however, we share the same motto:

It was a super tour and a fun return visit to Annapolis.  Bill topped off the stay with a much-needed haircut at the Capistrano Barbershop.  Gerard did the honors, and I was there to supervise.

After Annapolis, we crossed the bay to spend a few days in the little village of Rock Hall on the eastern shore.  Finally, we have vaulted over the culinary bar!  Bill finds the best crab cake sandwich on the bay at The Kitchen -- a six table, mom and pop gem right there on Main Street Rock Hall!  Yum!!

So now the summer tour of the Chesapeake is a wrap.  Let's Dance is back at the dock in Deltaville, VA with the Love Me Tender nestled snugly on her deck.  Captain Bill and I are off to the Galapagos Islands without them because, let's face it, at 6 knots, it could potentially take over 433 hours of non-stop excitement.......we'll leave that voyage to the Navy! 

When we return from our busman's holiday, Bill will captain Let's Dance back to Charleston where she will rest up until January when the adventures of 2014 will begin.  Until then,

Let's Dance......Carol and Bill